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鍒濆埢鎵撴爣鏈? 璇氳仒鑻辨墠

緙栬緫   閲嶅簡(jiǎn)鍒濆埢   鍙戣〃浜?022-08-08



                                                               Into the CHUKE, wanted talents
      Chongqing  CHUKE marker in China's rapidly growing team record is impressive,chuke believe talent is the fundamental driving force of the company.chuke is committed to creating a corporate culture so that employees  not only provide jobs, but to lead you to your dynamic journey to achieve your career goals, work in chuke you will fully feel the most real business environment touch marker pulse of the industry, experience electricity supplier stimulation, heart how big the stage is as big, we invite people with lofty ideals to join CHUKE.
      Chongqing CHUKE machine efforts to train personnel and to actively join the school-enterprise cooperation projects, to provide free pre-employment training in college students. the CHUKE trademanager Mark involved Alibaba  with Chongqing University of Education to create a joint "Million excellence" AliBaba universities itinerant preachersthe first stop in  Chongqing, On 27 June 2015 . During the presentation at the meeting, Mark respectively electricity supplier how to set up foreign trade business and trade process did explain, with five years of foreign trade foreign trade to share their personal experiences strange story, so business English and international trade professional students to line produce trade a strong interest and the first to ask questions to Mark, Mark answers are all made to solve the puzzles of the students.





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伊宁市| 霍城县| 江源县| 二连浩特市| 通化市| 防城港市| 龙海市| 连南| 利辛县| 昌乐县| 莆田市| 云霄县| 许昌市| 无锡市| 婺源县| 通州市| 辽中县| 河西区| 彰化县| 安义县| 淳安县| 江都市| 手游| 米林县| 云南省| 丹寨县| 炉霍县| 淮南市| 左贡县| 阿拉善盟| 洛隆县| 桦南县| 改则县| 乌拉特后旗| 临洮县| 永新县| 垣曲县| 芜湖县| 西平县| 江口县| 丹东市|